Montjuïc pixel-art font
A downloadable font
- Montjuïc is a pixel-art font letter that I did for practice type design. I didn't use reference during the proces, but I've been clearly influenced by fonts I like. For instance; "Gill Sans" or "Montserrat".
- abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
- 1234567890!¡?¿ . , : ; () * % # @ “” <> = _ +− /\ <> [] {} ^ & ’ " $ ·
- ÁÀÂÄÃÅáàâäãåÉÈÊËẼéèêëẽÍÌÎÏĨíìîïĩÓÒÔÖÕóòôöõÚÙÛÜŨúùûüũ
- ÇçĞğÑñŞşß
- If you use it in Aseprite I highly recommend to use Size: 14.
- Keep in mind that I'm a beginner so you could find some issues. If that happens, let a comment and I will work to solve it.
- It is a free to use font as long as you don't use it for commercial use. If you want to do so, contact with me.
- If you are using it, let a comment so I can see it :)
Note: Attribution is not required, but would be appreciated. <3
montjuï 21 kB
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Molt maca la font! <3
Simple and clean, always love some pixel fonts! Thanks for the inspiring work, cheers!
Hi VEXED :D thank you for the compliments. I checked your profile and you have awesome works!
Well thank you! Hope to see more from you!